Improvement of qualification for sports training specialists
Project Context
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Country: Lithuania
Project Context
More Info
Country: Lithuania
Lead Organisation Information
Name of the lead organisation
Type of the lead organisation
Type (public, private, etc): Public
Name of the funding programme: European Commission, Erasmus+ KA1, mobility project for VET learners and staff
Amount: 6.893€
Type of activity
Sport and Physical Activities
Description of the initiative
- The objective was the same for all organisation involved: to improve professional skills and gain new knowledge, also connect with other organisations abroad, the timeframe however was different per each organisation.
- The beneficiaries were sports specialists’ professional skills development project involved 23 different sports coaches, who did not participated in previous projects and who work with professional athletes of all ages.
- This is viable, different in work experience, qualification and experience sports coaches. The project partners are sport organizations in European countries, which are, respectively leading in the sport discipline, have old traditions, or have better sports facilities, highest qualified professionals.
- The main objectives of the project are professional skills and key competencies development on work based learning, vocational training, update knowledge of work, to prepare training methodology for each sport, making long term cooperation with EU partners, acquiring sports management knowledge, improve English. It is expected that this project will help Lithuanian coaches’ to develop more competitive athletes, will expand professional competence in a new social and cultural environment, will improve Lithuanian sports coaches qualifications at international level. The skills acquired will led to adapt new teaching methodologies, to gain more experience and this will encourage coaches and athletes mastership and mass.
- Dissemination of the project results and obtained knowledge among colleagues, amateurs, athletes will allow for many trainers to adapt this knowledge at their work with athletes, also ensure results transfer to other educational organisations. Involved partners in the project are Lithuanian sports organizations, in which working sport trainers especially feel lack of knowledge, skills and qualifications. And hosting organisations – federations and clubs, reliable and well-known will help to solve above-mentioned problems.
- Organisations involved in the consortium were those eligible to get some funds for mobility activity: Lithuanian sports dance federation, Lithuanian wushu federation, Lithuanian shooting federation, NVO Inkstinktas, Lithuanian pool federation, Lithuanian equestrian federation, Lithuanian biathlon federation.
Beneficiaries Information
- Coach
- Number of participants: 24
About The Mobility Experience
Country visited & duration
- Country(ies) visited: UK, Slovenia, Italy, France, Austria, Belgium, Romania, Norway, Estonia, Poland
- Duration: It was a 12 months project which started at 1st June 2015 and ended 31st Mat 2016. All concrete learning mobilities in the project were of different duration, depending on sport federation.
Factors of success
- Quality of the partnership
- Clear learning outcomes
- Willingness from both sending and host organisations to share expertise
Testimonial from the organiser
“The project encountered difficulties with host organisations, as several partners refused to accept participants. No precise and clear reasons were provided. Therefore, we had to look for new host organisations, but the goals and achievements of the project did not go down. The Education Support Foundation has helped benevolently in the current situation and partner organisations were found.
Also, some of the current sports coaches did not use all the funds they provided (eg: Lithuanian Shooting Federation). Therefore, money was saved and, with the consent of the Fund, it was possible to send additional participants. The new member of the National Consortium – the Lithuanian Forces’ Federation – was included in the project. The amendment did not have any negative impact on the results or the quality of mobility visits, and the number of sports coaches involved in the project increased by 4 participants, and the total mobility program involved 25 people.”
Tomas Petronis, Project Manager at LSTS.
Testimonial from a participant
Sports coaches who participated in the project expresse high level of satisfaction on the content and performance of internships organized for them both from the organizational and athletic level. Coaches were pleased to be trained abroad, undoubtedly, this will have a positive impact on the further development of personal sports coaches and other sports-related people. The project participants will continue to support the established contacts and participate in joint events and projects.
Testimonial from sending or host organisation
“Representatives of host organisations were pleased to share their experiences with visiting trainers, monitor their skills and knowledge growth, ambitious needs, persistent work, and ambitious goals.”
Name of the contact person: Tomas Petronis
Phone number: +3706 15 27300
Organisation Website:
Other important information and feedback about the good practice
- At the end of the whole project period, the administration team collected feedback from all participants, reports, detailed assessment of the previous project, the results of which were used to provide follow-up projects, errors. Analyzing articles for writing press releases and preparing reports. The final conference was organized to present the results of the project, the project participants shared their impressions and experience with the participants of the conference.
- Every sports organisation whose sports coaches went to a study visits abroad, had to organise upon their return a practical training sessions for trainers and specialists of the specific sport, during which the sports coaches who participated in the practice transferred the acquired knowledge, skills, assimilated innovative ideas for colleagues working in other sports organizations – clubs. Sports coaches repeat seminars in different cities, if necessary and on request.
- The project participants have improved their professional competences corresponding to the needs of the labor market, acquired new practical knowledge, raised the qualifications of trainers, improved the quality of vocational training program Improved direction of practical training. A new cultural and social environment was also introduced, and knowledge of English was improved. For these reasons, better adaptation to the labor market and organizations is foreseen needs and goals. For the acquisition and improvement of these competences, work programs have been established with each partner.
- The action is pretty sustainable as a similar application was submitted in 2017 and got funded.